New York City
Discover the hipster enclaves of Williamsburg, indulge in mouthwatering delicacies from food trucks, and capture the iconic skyline as it transforms from dawn to dusk. We spent a whole month in New York exploring, speaking to locals and researching to create the guides below.
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NYC Highlights
Our quick must-dos of New York City. Click on the links for more info.
Getting around
You’ll be walking a lot, it’s the best way to see the city. Otherwise, take the subway or rent a Citibike. You can get a one-week MetroCard for the subway, or if your trip is ending on a Sunday, you can use ONMY (your contactless card/Apple Pay)
Things to see
Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty up close. Astoria route ferry from 90th street to Wall Street for great skyline views. Brooklyn Bridge at sunrise. Central Park. 911 memorial and museum. Go to a Jazz club and comedy club. Go to at least one observation deck and museum.
Where to stay
Manhattan for the quintessential NY experience, Brooklyn for a more wholesome, local or hipster vibe (we loved staying in Brooklyn), maybe split your time between both.
What to eat
Pizza slices, Bagels, Junior’s cheesecake, Katz Deli (Reuben sandwich), Tacos, Burger from Emily in West Village, Don Ceviche and Banana pudding from Magnolia bakery
ACME is one of New York's most famous smoked salmon providers. You can get in on the action every Friday for Fish Friday